21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (2024)

by Sarah Toney | Food Preservation | 77 comments

When you are just starting out with canning, it can sometimes be confusing as to what foods can be preserved in a water bath canner versus which ones can be canned in a pressure canner.

If you are a beginner, I suggest starting with a water bath canner. They are easier to learn and easier to use.

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Below are 21 foods you can preserve using a water bath canner.

21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (1)

21 Foods To Preserve Using a Water Bath Canner

✅ Ready to take control of your food source and preserve more? Check out my Food Preservation Planner to help you plan and preserve more food this year!


Peaches are one of my very favorite things to can each summer- and they are great for water bath canning!

You can can them as halves or slices. You can add a sugar syrup- or if you don’t want that added processed sugar, you can can them in half water/half juice!

You can get the full directions on how to can peaches here: How to Can Peaches in Juice!

While you can use any large pot to can, I recommend getting an actual canning pot with rack. Get this water bath canning set– it includes everything you need to get started canning! The pot, the rack, and all the tools!


Like peaches, pears are a great starter food to can in a water bath canner.

You can can them in halves, slices, or even make them into pear sauce!

Get the directions on how to can pears here: How to Can Pears without Sugar.

21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (2)


Applesauce is the first thing I ever canned. We made it every year when I was a kid, and I have continued the tradition with my own kids.

If you have a strainer, applesauce is so easy! No peeling, no coring! Just chop up the apples and you are ready to get started!

Get my full tutorial on how to can applesauce here: How to Make and Can Homemade Applesauce

21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (3)


You are probably seeing a theme in these first foods- they are all fruits! Fruits are great for canning in a water bath canner because of their high acid and sugar content.

Plums are another great tree fruit to can in a water bath.

Here’s a great recipe for canning plums in syrup.

21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (4)


Pickles are a very acidic food due to all of the vinegar in the recipes.

Most people think of pickles as strictly cucumbers. But you can actually pickles a lot of different vegetables such as:





So take your favorite veggie and see if you can water bath can a version of them!

21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (5)


Relish is a staple in many households. And it’s another food you can make yourself at home- and can in a boiling water bath!

I make mine with chopped cucumbers, onions, garlic, and spices.

Here’s my cucumber relish recipe– along with directions on how to can it.


If you have access to cherries, they are absolutely wonderful to can and keep on your pantry shelf.

The one downside to canning cherries is the pitting! But if you get a handy cherry pitter it will go so much faster!

Simply Canning has a great tutorial on canning cherries, with recipes from no sugar to heavy syrup.


Berries are another high acid food that can be preserved in a water bath canner.

Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, huckleberries, elderberries!

Here’s how to can these berries at home!

21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (6)

Pie Filling

If you make a lot of pies, or maybe if you are just tired of canning plain fruit, pie fillings are a great option for water bath canning.

You can make all sorts of pie fillings:





I’ve even seen some “Mock Apple Pie” that uses zucchini! (though there is some debate as to it’s safety for canning)

21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (7)

Fruit Preserves

Fruit preserves are probably one of the most popular first foods for beginning canners.

You can make preserves out of most any fruits- blueberries, strawberries, peaches, etc.

Here’s my recipe for Honey Peach Preserves or if you prefer strawberry, here’s my strawberry preserves recipe.

Apple Butter

Apple butter is definitely a fall favorite for a lot of people. And we can’t make applesauce without also making a batch of apple butter!

I like to use a crock pot to cook down my apples, plus it makes the house smell wonderful as it cooks!

Here’s A Modern Homestead’s Crock Pot Apple Butter recipe!

21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (8)

Fruit Jam

I’ve already talked about preserves, and maybe you don’t know the difference between Jam and preserves? The biggest difference is the use of pectin. Jam has pectin, Preserves do not.

So just like preserves, jam is super easy to make using any fruit you wish!

So grab your canner, your fruit, and your pectin– and make some jam! Almost all boxes of pectin come with an insert with jam instructions for most fruits.

You can even go outside the box and can some Tomato Jam!

Jelly (Fruit, Veggie, or Flower)

Now there’s jelly! The difference with jelly is that is uses pectin AND it is made from juice only.

I tend to make jam or preserves with my fruit, BUT I do love to make flower jellies with things like forsythia, red bud, or violets. I tried my hand at cucumber jelly!

Here’s my recipes for Forsythia jelly and Redbud Jelly give them a try next spring!

21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (9)

Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce is a staple in many households, and luckily it’s one of the foods you can preserve in a water bath canner!

Be sure to use a tested recipe and add in acid such as citric acid or vinegar to make sure your sauce has a high enough acid level to safely can.

I personally freeze my roasted tomato sauce, because I don’t like to peel, skin, and be stuck to only adding a certain amount of garlic! But there are some great tomato sauce recipes out there.

Tomato Salsa

Salsa is another very popular home canned food. And it is great to have a stockpile of salsa sitting in your pantry!

Again, be sure to follow a tested recipe- and pay attention to the measurements of tomatoes, peppers, onions, etc.

Related Reading: 25 Salsa Recipes for Your Summer Harvest

Check out 11 Ways to Preserve Tomatoes for more information on ALL the ways to preserve tomatoes!

Cranberry Sauce

Did you know you can make and can this holiday staple yourself? No more cranberry sauce in the shape of a can!

Here’s a great Cranberry Sauce recipe to try out this year- just in time for the holidays!


Yep- you can can juice in your water bath canner too!

What kinds of juice?

Tomato juice

Grape juice

Apple juice

Berry juice

So grab your juicer and jars and make some homemade juice!

21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (10)


Homemade ketchup is absolutely wonderful and if you’ve got a lot of tomatoes it’s a great food to can in a water bath canner.

Be warned, it takes a LOT of tomatoes to make a little bit of ketchup! And it takes all day to reduce down.

Here’s a great homemade ketchup recipe to try out.

21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (11)

BBQ Sauce

Grilling is big in the summer, and you can make a splash with homemade, home canned BBQ sauce!

Like many tomato based products, BBQ sauce can be preserved in a water bath canner. Like always- remember to use a tested recipe and follow the directions!

Here’s a BBQ Sauce recipe to get you started.

Vinaigrette Dressings

Yep! You can CAN salad dressings too. Not all dressings, but most vinaigrette can be canned in a water bath canner because of their high acidity.

Stop buying store bought and can your own!

Here’s a Strawberry Vinaigrette to get you started.


Water? Yes! You can can water too. You may ask yourself WHY you would want to can water, but if you live in an area that has natural disasters or something like that, you may choose to can you own water as opposed to buying water jugs from the store to save for emergencies.

Keep your canned water in your disaster kit in case of emergencies.

And there you have it 21 common foods you can preserve using a water bath canner! Which is your favorite thing to preserve?

  1. Breannaon November 24, 2018 at 8:43 am

    Hi!! I just came across your post on Pinterest! I love all your ideas! So I just started canning and I made my first batch of apple pie filling and apple butter. I’ve noticed some people store there sealed jars without rings. Is there a reason for that? I’m a total city girl with a homestead heart!


    • Sarah @ The Free Range Lifeon November 26, 2018 at 8:03 am

      It’s best to remove the rings before storing. It prevents rust from trapped water and it is easier to see any signs of spoiling around the lid that might otherwise go unnoticed.


      • Hopeon July 7, 2019 at 10:30 pm

        I am so happy I read this last part. I had no idea about removing the rings around the jars. I have been doing research for my first time canning, and did not run across this at all. Thank you!

      • Granny Jeanon October 23, 2019 at 2:10 pm

        You can make pear butter with the same recipe as apple. I have over two bushels of pears picked and still more on the tree. Going to make pear butter, pear one layer cakes with no icing and can some in slices. The cakes will be frozen. The rest canned.
        I am 75.

      • EARLENE NELSONon February 21, 2021 at 3:22 pm

        Canning water is something I learned from my aunt who canned A LOT. She always canned water to fill up her canner at the end when she was short jars. That way the energy wasn’t wasted on just 1 or 2 jars.

      • Nitaon August 21, 2023 at 12:44 pm

        I’ve also read that the bands can give a false ‘seal’. In other words may keep the lid down when if removed it would pop up to reveal a bad seal.

    • beth sherrillon February 8, 2020 at 9:58 am

      there is no advantage to leaving the rings on sealed jars, if you remove them, you will need fewer to continue canning, you need fresh lids for each jar, but you can reuse rings basically as long as they are invent and rust free


      • Lyndaon March 9, 2020 at 10:32 am

        Typically how long will canned (water bath or pressure cooked) foods last?

      • Kimon December 21, 2021 at 9:30 am

        However, I have recently given alot of jams and salsa away. The gift recipients need the rings to reclose their jar…..just thinking.

      • Theresaon December 28, 2021 at 7:24 pm

        But you will need those rings when the jars are opened. Open a jar, off I go to the attic to find a ring. I’ve canned for almost 50 years without removing the rings and have never had an issue. Just saying….

      • Susan Babco*ckon June 7, 2022 at 1:18 pm

        One-piece plastic lids are available now and they work well. So, go ahead and take those rings off for the reasons given.

      • Thisni Cazaon January 24, 2023 at 2:57 pm

        @Lynda: when I first canned, about ten years ago, Ball stated that their lids would store safely, if properly sealed and properly stored, for 12 months. Later, that changed to 18 months. Now…I know that we all know that canned food was stored for much longer, but that’s the advice from Ball, to the best of my knowledge. Keep in mind that the 18 months is for unopened jars, not opened jars stored in the refrigerator.

      • Janice Robertson February 17, 2023 at 10:34 pm

        I’ve been using the plastic lids you can buy for my opened canned goods. Leaving the rings for your next batch of canned goods and you don’t see rust starting on the bottom of the lids.

      • Iva oldKeron March 2, 2024 at 7:30 pm

        love your water Channing. but does each fruit and vegetables take a different ti me where can I find a book to tell me

    • Sueon June 13, 2022 at 8:16 pm

      I have canned for nearly 50 years, but I didn’t know for the first couple of years that it is recommended you store processed jars without rings because they do rust. Today, those rings are much more expensive than when I began canning. Pickle jars are the quickest to rust. I keep a small basket in my pantry to place clean rings after canning, and I can easily grab one to use on an open before placing it in the refrigerator.


    • Amadavalenzuelaon July 21, 2022 at 8:25 am

      I been reading all your comments we so many tips
      I’m thinking of canning
      But I’m afraid there are so many kinds of hardships no where to start
      All do with this prices on foods is a good idea to do so specially watwer you never know tif we might never had water to drink


  2. Judy Spenceron June 13, 2019 at 5:57 pm

    I would like to can coconut butter What is the best way to do that?


    • Kathleenon January 2, 2022 at 6:42 pm

      Coconut butter, like coconut milk or dairy butter, can not be canned due to its density. Like dairy butter, it’s better to freeze them.


  3. ann tyndallon July 1, 2019 at 8:59 pm

    i have been canning almost all my life. i am 73 and i love it. i come up with different things to can also. i can thing you will not find in a store. i have over 120 different kinds . i love every one . i put together like strawberry and watermelon jam . i have allot . i learned from my mother and my grandmother . my mother told me and if its not good to you noone else will like it . thank you


    • Michelleon August 4, 2021 at 6:19 pm

      what’s your recipe, if you don’t mind sharing?


      • Karenon April 30, 2022 at 5:30 pm

        Fire Balls. I was in doctor waiting room and talking about canning with one lady. A 94 year old lady chimed in and ask if I ever canned fire balls. She said her mother always did fire balls at the end of garden. Included sweet peppers, hot peppers, small green tomatoes, celery, and pickle sauce. I tried it and was very good with brown beans.

    • Ashley Johnsonon August 5, 2021 at 6:39 pm

      Would you share your watermelon jam recipe I would love to try it. Thank you 😊


    • Sugar8on October 22, 2021 at 1:29 am

      I made watermelon jelly for the first time this year. Love it!!


  4. ann tyndallon July 1, 2019 at 9:03 pm

    you can water do you have to use a pressure canner or can you use a waterbath canner


    • Capriceon July 12, 2019 at 1:39 pm

      I’d like to know the answer as well!


      • Connieon September 1, 2019 at 10:46 pm

        I saw on Youtube recently that you can use the water bath method. I haven’t done it myself yet.

    • KELLIE HILLIARDon June 14, 2020 at 9:53 am

      this post says you can can water in a water bath.


    • Bonnie Parker-Dukeon August 25, 2021 at 10:24 pm

      The list was of things you can can in a water bath canner, so yes, you can water bath jars of water..


  5. phyllis leaskon August 22, 2019 at 4:20 am

    can I use the water bath method for canning corn, if so how do I do this?


    • Maria Thompsonon September 5, 2019 at 2:49 am

      Same here Phyllis Leask. I would love to know as well. Cause some people freezes them, and I don’t cause of the freezer taste. If you know what I mean !!!! I would love to learn how to can corn. God bless..


      • Sonja Welkeon October 2, 2019 at 5:58 pm

        I freeze my corn, but before I do that I make it into a cream style corn my family and friends love. If you want my recipe you can tag me on Pinterest ☺

    • Sarah @ The Free Range Lifeon September 5, 2019 at 12:28 pm

      You need to use a pressure canner for corn


    • Peggyon December 22, 2019 at 3:19 pm

      Corn has to be pressure canned


      • Lisaon February 24, 2022 at 1:59 pm

        Does the canning pot need to be a specific one or any large pot?

    • Aunt Annieon August 21, 2020 at 4:58 pm

      For vegetables, you need a pressure cooker. Unless you wanted pickles corn by adding vinegar and sugar.


    • Linda A Girardon February 5, 2021 at 1:25 pm

      canning vegetables requires a pressure canner to eliminate bacteria. Water bath canning does not do that. Botulism poisoning one of several illnesses one could get from improper canning of vegetables/ meats/ broths/etc. always use a pressure canner. when one freezes vegetables, with the exception of peppers, tomatoes, onions, the veggies must be blanched prior to freezing. Always follow recommended time for the different veggies


      • Lucy Flemmingon October 17, 2021 at 3:21 pm

        I’ve been canning for years. So had my mother. We never had a pressure cooker. Just water bath. This year I did mixed yellow and green beans in the same bottles. I also did carrots. I’ve done them years ago and never had a problem. I put them in a water bath and boil for 20 munutes for pints. I put 1/2 tsp salt per pint.

    • Bonnie Parker-Dukeon August 25, 2021 at 10:26 pm

      No, corn is low acid snd must be canned in a pressure canner.


    • Kathleenon January 2, 2022 at 6:45 pm

      Water-bath canning is for high acid foods, so unfortunately, corn has to be pressure canned.


    • Sueon June 13, 2022 at 8:19 pm

      Corn must be pressure canned because it does not have enough acidity for water bath canning to destroy botulism bacteria.


    • Valerie Scheyon August 7, 2023 at 4:35 pm

      Any vegetable must be canned in a pressure canner due to the risk of botulism. Only pressure canners get the temperature high enough to kill the contamination. Water bath canners can only be used for high acid food – fruit, relishes, tomatoes if you add lemon juice to bring up the acidic content. Before you try canning anything, make sure you have a good recipe/instruction booklet. Proportions of ingredients is very important.


  6. Sheila Roppon September 3, 2019 at 11:46 pm

    a list of vegetables you can can in a water bath.


  7. Rebeccaon February 23, 2020 at 4:02 pm

    When I have extra space in my canner, I add jars of boiling water to fill it up. If we have a water emergency, it is good to have the jars of water. Jars of water don’t take any more space to store than empty jars. I reuse previously used lids when I can water, since botulism is very unlikely in canned water and there is nominal product loss if a jar of water doesn’t seal properly. I can also freely empty out jars of water if I need the jar for something else. I have a few cases of canned water that have built up a jar or two at a time when my canner wasn’t filled with the fruit or vegetables I was canning.


  8. Jane Annon March 9, 2020 at 7:16 am

    I’d like to know how to can yellow squash.


    • Rhondaon June 27, 2020 at 7:38 am

      I have canned yellow squish. I use a sweet pickle recipe. Great in pasta salads!


    • Bonnieon October 7, 2022 at 5:54 pm

      Yellow squash is beautiful canned but is mushy due to the length of time required for a pressure cooker. Pickling yellow squash as a relish is a better choice therefore can be in water bath.


  9. DEBIon March 17, 2020 at 6:31 pm



  10. Bobbieon April 2, 2020 at 12:22 pm

    When canning potatoes is it hot bath or pressure method?


    • Michelleon August 12, 2020 at 8:48 am

      Potatoes must be pressure canned because of the lack of acidity


      • Debra D. Riddleon February 21, 2022 at 10:48 am

        I know someone who has been water bath canning potatoes for years. No problem at all she says. I’ve watched her do it. She has many stored.

      • Sueon June 13, 2022 at 8:24 pm

        Many old time canners may tell you that green beans, corn, potatoes, and other low-acid vegetables can be water bath canned, but you are taking a chance of botulism. It is deadly. Don’t do it!

    • Glenna Vaughnon June 14, 2023 at 11:07 am

      There was no recipe for pie filling, please put one out there.


  11. starron April 27, 2020 at 5:01 pm

    I have a question about hoe to can homade vegetable tomatoes soup. should it be pressure canned or water bath


    • Claudineon September 20, 2020 at 9:31 pm

      How long do I process vegetable soup? Can I do it with a waterbath?


      • Farmeron January 24, 2021 at 6:53 pm

        Soup would be non acidic and must be pressure canned. It’s worth a few dollars to buy the Ball book on canning. A lot cheaper than an emergency room visit.

      • Galinaon May 24, 2022 at 7:59 am

        You can make tomato veggie soup, because the tomato adds the acidity. You can also use citric acid as a stabilizer. I ate canned tomato vegetable soup for 20 years and it never killed me.

    • Sueon June 13, 2022 at 8:29 pm

      If the soup contains low-acid vegetables plus tomatoes, pressure can it for safety’s sake. If you are canning tomato only soup, you can do it with a water bath canner. Always choose to can safely. If you can low-acid vegetables in a relish that has vinegar, you can use a water bath process. The vinegar raises the level of acidity in the jars.


  12. Theresaon May 21, 2020 at 3:13 pm

    What is a very you put in okra to can


    • Sueon June 13, 2022 at 8:30 pm

      Vinegar. You pickle it.


  13. paton June 18, 2020 at 11:07 am

    My first effort at canning was last Christmas, with a LOT of turkey left over after a group dinner (smaller group than anticipated.) Made a large pot of turkey soup and read directions from several places. Broke one jar when putting it in the pot. but wound up with 5 quarts of soup. In April, I opened one jar for supper. It was great, and we didn’t get sick!!! Canned some cream of mushroom soup base – no cream. When we make it, I will just add the cream then. Glad I found this site.
    Can I use a propane crab cooker to do the canning outside as long as I monitor the pressure regularly? This would prevent space requirements above the stove and the problem of the electric burner being too small.


    • Colleenon August 31, 2020 at 2:54 pm

      We used our propane burner outside this year to keep the heat out of the kitchen! It burns pretty hot and worked well. Kept the temperature up!


      • Ronnieon August 23, 2021 at 1:40 pm

        I have always done all my water bath canning outside on our propane 3-burner stove. It’s too hot to do it indoors and keep the temps of the jars consistent while cooling (versus cooling in the air conditioned house).

      • Anitaon October 31, 2022 at 5:16 pm

        Same here.

  14. Cassieon January 20, 2021 at 8:38 am

    I’m just starting to can…I have some fresh cauliflower yet I can’t find how to preserve it! Can you help?


    • Pam P.on July 20, 2021 at 6:14 pm

      I would freeze cauliflower but you might be able to can a pickled version of it too. . .


      • tricia blakeon September 25, 2021 at 10:42 pm

        I helped mother since I was once age 8 yrs. she used the water bath. Mostly fruits & jam
        We had huge freezer for put veggies in. I enjoy blanched of corn beans & wax yellow beans. Now I wish to make cauliflower and zucchini by using a vinegar water brine? How much salt can I put per at size jar

    • Sueon June 13, 2022 at 8:33 pm

      Pickle your cauliflower. It’s great in small florets added to salads.


  15. Patriciaon April 16, 2022 at 12:22 am

    It seems to me there are a lot of opinions about pressure canning or hot water bath canning. If you are going to be canning for your family, or anyone else, it would be safest to get a good book about the process is to use. Some people might say“I’ve done it this way for years I’ve never had a problem with water bath canning low acid foods meats soups stews etc.” It only takes once folks!! Botulism is DEADLY!!!

    The Ball Blue Book for Canning is probably the best one for you if you’re new at preserving….or unsure of the correct and SAFEST process to use. Lots of old grannies… Like me and many others… have done some pretty crazy things over the years and lived to tell about it… that doesn’t mean it’s going to work for everyone!! WHEN IN DOUBT ABOUT PRESERVING, IN ANY FASHION, ANY TYPE OF FOODS, CALL YOUR LOCAL EXTENSION OFFICE. Better to be safe than sorry, You don’t want your new talent to put your family in the hospital.
    Like I said, I’m an old granny, but sometimes you can teach an old dog new tricks


  16. Trinaon May 9, 2022 at 9:13 pm

    Can you can or waterbath avocados?? If so how many minutes??


  17. Shirleyon October 12, 2022 at 8:04 am

    Looking for recipes for freeze dried food processing
    I have process. Fruit,vegetables, hamburger crumpled, eggs powdered,


  18. Anitaon October 31, 2022 at 5:32 pm

    I’ve canned tomato based veggie soup, chili w/beans and pasta sauce for many years. Never a problem. Not sure if it’s the acidity in the tomatoes, paste and sauce but it always tastes like I just made it. I am 63 years old and I can remember my Granny and Momma using huge washtubs over an outside fire to can everything. I never remember seeing a pressure cooker. Did they even have them in the 60’s? If there was such a thing, nobody could afford them. Best food I remember eating, like straight from our huge gardens. However, some things I will not water bath and I can’t remember how they did it but they did. I’m sure it was all water bath canned in that huge washtub only after we all, yes even us children, washed, rewashed, rinsed and re-rinsed those jars in extremely hot water. A lot of fussing but everyone did their share and everyone reaped the rewards. Precious memories of days gone by.


  19. Dellaon January 19, 2023 at 6:01 pm

    When you her the plonk you know it is vacuumed sealed!


  20. Sandee Pickardon January 20, 2023 at 11:42 am

    I have 2 very productive pear trees and have lots of pears because of that. I canned all the pear pieces I wanted and still had a lot left. I made pear sauce and my grandkids love it. One of them asked for it for his birthday.


  21. Gayleon April 29, 2023 at 11:19 am

    Can you hot water bath can German Potato Salad?


  22. Mark Smithon August 24, 2023 at 12:01 am

    I just finished my first blackberry jams this year. I was stunned that it was as easy as it was. I’m reading all these Q’s & A’s , and i just wanted compliment the breadth and depth of knowledge here. It’s a pleasure.


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21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!) (2024)
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